Advising Services at Marshall College
Virtual Advising Center
The Virtual Advising Center - commonly known as "The VAC" - is UC San Diego's primary resource for Academic Advising Support. Students can submit a brief question 24 hours a day through the Virtual Advising Center.
Drop-In Advising
Drop-In Advising for current students are designed to last 10-15 minutes to ask brief questions of your advisors. Drop-In Advising is available remotely and in-person. Students can view Drop-In Advising availability on the Virtual Advising Center's "Meet with Advisor" page (sign-in required).
Advising Appointments
Appointments to meet with an advisor are available for current students during select weeks of the quarter. Common appointment topics include academic plan development, major/minor exploration, and returning to the university after an absence.
College Advisors
Marshall College Academic Advisors help students review General Education (GEs) and University of California graduation requirements.
Department Advisors
Department advisors help students understand major and minor requirements, and provide guidance on course prerequisites.
Review Your Marshall College GE Requirements
All Marshall Students must complete General Education requirements along with their major requirements.
Marshall Mentor Program
Unique to Thurgood Marshall College, the year-long Marshall Mentor Program pairs second-year transfer students with faculty to gain essential knowledge and experience, boosting their readiness for UC San Diego.
Quarterly Checklist for New Transfer Students
Please click the link below to view the Transfer Student Quarterly Checklist discussed during the New Student Orientation Program.
Explore Resource Guide
Use our academic and social support resources guide to find services that can support you while you're at UC San Diego.
Quarterly Checklist for New First-Years
Please click the link below to view the First-Year Quarterly Checklist discussed during the New Student Orientation Program.
Ready to Graduate?
Review our senior checklist and make sure you're on track to receive your degree!
*Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of
California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin,
religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.
More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.
More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.