Dr. Amanda Solomon Amorao
DOC Director, Associate Teaching Professor
Office: McGill Hall 2126
Students enrolled in DOC lectures can view the Director's current Office Hours and Zoom link on Canvas. -
Dr. Karen Villegas
DOC Associate Director, Assistant Teaching Professor
Office: McGill Hall 2126
Students enrolled in DOC lectures can view the Associate Director's current Office Hours and Zoom link on Canvas. -
Dr. Megan Strom
DOC 1, 2, 3 Continuing Lecturer
Office: McGill Hall 2126
Students enrolled in Dr. Strom's DOC lectures can see her current Office Hours and access her Zoom link on Canvas. -
Natalye Harpin (Pass), M.A.
DOC 100D Continuing Lecturer
Students enrolled in DOC 100D will be provided with Mrs. Harpin's contact information and Zoom link on Canvas.
Dillon Chapman, M.F.A.
DOC 1,2,3 Lecturer
Students enrolled in Prof. Chapman's DOC lecture can see her current Office Hours and access her Zoom link on Canvas. -
Dakoya Thomas
DOC Program Coordinator
Office: McGill Hall 2126
Please email questions or a request for an appointment to: docinfo@ucsd.edu
Use your @ucsd email account, and include your PID in your message.